Monday, November 24, 2008

Hanging out with Kayle

First of all, I absolutely love this kid. Kayle is my cousin Misti's daughter. Boy does she crack me up! I was hanging out with Misti before I came to work today. We went to watch the Cardinals game against the Giants (sad game) at Buffalo Wild Wings and Kayle insisted she come with us. While we were there the energetic child reminded me very quickly of why I don't have kids yet. She actually wasn't that bad though, really. haha We got back to her house and she wanted me to go color with her in her room. Pretending like I was 3 years old again, I start coloring with her. And she starts to tell me something that had happened...

Kayle: "My daddy took my candy away from me"
Tashina: "Well why did he do that? Where you eating too much of it?"
K: I don't know why he took it away!
T: Hmm, I'm not sure either Kayle. That wasn't very nice of him
K: Yeah, i think you need to spank my daddy!

HAHAHAHA! WOW! She's too funny. I was laughing so hard. Needless to say, I let her know that I wasn't gonna spank her daddy because that would be mean. Plus very inappropriate.

30 minutes later...Misti went to the bathroom to do some laundry and locked the door behind her. Kayle started to act 3 years old and was whining saying "I WANT MY MOMMY!" Eventually I got her to calm down and we started playing and I was "scaring her". More or less i was chasing her around the couch. I finally came up with the idea of scaring her mom when she came out of bathroom. She was thrilled! So we stood behind the door for a good 5 mintues. I told her she had to be VERY quiet so her mom couldn't hear us, and that way we could scare her really good! She actually listened. Nathan started whistling while we were trying to be sneaking and Kayle snapped, 'DADDY! SHHHH!!! We're going to scare mommy!" Haha I was laughing the whole time and kayle had a smirk on her face, hands up and ready to really scare her mom. A few minutes had passed and finally Misti comes walking out the bathroom door. I picked Kayle up to get her to really jump out at her mom, yelling RRRAAAARRRR!!!! Who'da thought, Misti actually jumped!!!! Kayle started laughing hysterically, I was laughing Nathan was laughing, and Misti seemed kind of embarrassed so she started to laugh. I gave Kayle a high five and said "YAY Kayle we scared your mom good!" She was so proud of herself.

I just love that little girl. I've been around her since the day she was born and can't get enough of her. When I told her I had to leave and go to work she wasn't very happy. She came running right behind me and said NNNOOOO Shina don't go!!! HAHA I love it. There are days when I think that I'm never going to have kids. Ask my dad. I tell him every other time I talk to him and let him know that he won't be having any grandkids from me. He doesn't really like that coming from me. But Today hanging out with Kayle are one of those days that I feel like I can really see myself having kids and actually being a great mom. I love that feeling.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I went and saw the Twilight movie last night and LOVED IT! I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be. Though, I kinda was annoyed that Stephanie Meyer was in in for a split second but really hasn't she gotten enough fame from all of this? We just made her a multi-millionaire for crying out loud! Oh well. Moving on. For anyone who hasn't seen the movie, GO SEE IT! Biggest fans of mine are, Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob, Soley for the fact that he's pretty much HOT. It's a shame that he's 16. (BTW, Tiana, he really is only 16. I cried) haha jk. And my all time FAVORITE VAMPIRE IS....Kellan Lutz. He plays Emmett. And he is beautiful. To my advantage, he's 23 in real life. So i won't go to jail for crushing on him. At least he's legal. :) HAHAHA.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ThE tWiLiGhT mOvIe!!!

The countdown is practically over people! YAY!!! I'm at work again which in a few hours I'll be getting off and be able to get some sleep. Which will make this day go back even quicker so I can go and see this dang movie! For all of those who have no yet gettgen tickets, I'm sorry but your time is probably run out by now. I'm heading to the San Tan mall tonight around 10:30 to line up for this sold out movie. Which by the way, the last time I checked, They had reserved 4 theatres just to show the midnight showing! Call me obsessed but, I'd like to get a great seat for this movie and if waiting in line is what it takes, well shoot, I'm there! :) I totally cannot wait to tell everyone about it. Although, the previews aren't showing exactly what my imagination has made up to be, but I'm sure it will still be great!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Twilight update!

Alrighty I'm at work again, working on 2 hours of sleep in a 48 hr period. Drinking my AMP energy drink at the moment, but for all you twilighters...I WENT TO SEE TAYLOR LAUTNER! Yummy. haha He's a 16 yr old darn it! haha Aww man it was the best day ever. 14 and 15 yr old going crazy and having anxiety attcks before meeting the actors. While my brilliant self decided that instead of a picture (while I was unsuccessul to sneak one) I was going to have them personalize my poster and write my name on it. HAHA! And seriously? How many Tashina's are there in this world? Yeah probably not many. Guess that HOT 16 year old Taylor Lautner will be remembering me forever. I'm thinking as soon as he's of legal age he'll come around :). hahaha jk. K anyone with steps to posting pictures let me know! I really want to show off my twilight accessories!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A little obsessed!

Do you see my posting below for the countdown for the Twilight movie? Ok, good. I love love LOVE the books. And for those of who who have no yet read them, I suggest you do. :) I've already bought my tickets for the midnight showing! haha. and FYI, Hot Topic is doing an event tomorrow in Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall to meet and greet a few of the actors and actresses from the movie at 5 PM. And guess who's going to be calling in to work tomorrow for this event? ME! The people that will be there are Taylor Lautner (Jacob), Edi Gathegi (Laurent) and Rachelle Leferve (Victoria). Ok so they aren't really my top fav on trying to meet, I'd rather meet my Edward and also Kellan Lutz who plays Emmett. Man is he something to look at! And, who cares that in real life Taylor Lautner is only 16 years old but he sure is cute! So, I'm going to make my way up to Scottsdale today and buy me a ticket for this event. They say no pictures, but I'm really going to try my hardest to sneak a few. An update of the event will be posted shortly! :)

Miss T

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Now that it officially over, I can confess to everyone that i didn't vote. And I still feel the same way based on Obama's win. We are screwed :) Yep that's a happy face. Because I know that either way the elections turned out that we were all doomed. I'm not bitter. It almost makes me want to study politics and try to become the first woman president. Hell, I think I have a great chance considering the choice between McCain and Obama. I hope Obama proves himself to make a change in this world. I just hope that change is for the BETTER. Oh well, this is the first and last post that I will put up on the presidential election. I'm way over it. Time to move on people! And make the best of our lives. I'm patriotical and always will be. Even if I don't have a president to follow that patriotism. God bless America! :)