Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Official!!

Last week was adventurous. I took the ASVAB test on Thursday. Scored a 66. Woke up the next day at 4 am and went downtown again to do my physical. Besides being dog tired, wanna know the perks about joining the military..... MEN. Ahhh! Most of them were't your typical eye candy of choice, but the few that were..hmm I couldn't stop staring. HAHA. And the day went on with tons of embarassing things I had to do...learning different military things and such. But by the end of the day it became OFFICIAL! I'm a NAVY recruit! My goal was to get into their Hospital Corpsman program to be a Medic. But that program is all full. So, I'm going to be an Operations Specialist. Sounds intese huh? The only other choice I had was to be a mechanic and that wasn't happening! Go figure the mechanical scores on my ASVAB test were the highest... So basically what I've been told as an Operations Specialist, I will be locating all of the Ships out on sea, seeing how fast they are going and in what direction. I'm sure there is more involved, but that's the basic stuff I'll be doing. My recruiter said that it's a very good job and I'll do very good at it. Hmm...thanks! After setting up my job, they gave me my ship date. May 6, 2009. That is literally right around the corner! And just 4 days after my birthday. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked! And nervous at the same time. I realized that I have SO much I need/want to get done before I leave. I'll be going to Great Lakes, Illinois for basic training and also for my schooling for my job. Then, I have to option, which ever is available...to be stationed some where in the U.S., on a ship, or over seas. Any takers on where my first choice will be?? Over seas baby! I hope they have that available to me by the time I graduate! Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Dayna said...

Wow Tashina that is so exciting! Congratulations!! I know you are going to do great! My dad was in the Navy for a couple of years. He loved it! I want to see you before you ship out! :)