Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My military doo...

My friend Sherryl just took this picture of me at work. Terrible lighting...but hey it's from a cell phone! I know you've all been dying to see my hair short. It hasn't been this short since 5th grade!

I've got 3 weeks left in Arizona. And tomorrow night is my last night of work. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so nervous/excited/scared...etc!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting ready...

I have 35 days left of being a civilian. WEIRD!!! 5 short weeks (from today to be a matter of fact). And I have 6 shifts left of work. This is all becoming SO REAL!!! So I'll just let you all know of how the last few weeks have been...I've been running every now and then with my friend Christa. She's one of those athletic mom's that is in great shape after having 3 kids, and still seems to tell me that she can't run! WTF?! HA! This girl can run, and she kicks my butt every time!! It's nice to have someone there to push me to run more, since this is what is going to happen in boot camp. I've been extremely busy with life in general, that we haven't been able to run in the last week. I know I'm a slacker!! But in the meantime, a few weeks ago Phoenix hosted a Navy Seal Fitness Challege. I was encouraged to go to this just to be able to compete against other people and to see where I'm at fitness wise. I finished with these scores:

500 meters of swimming- 13:39
1 and 1/2 mile- Run Time 15:46
Pullups 0
Pushups in 2 minutes 43
Situps in 2 minutes 55

I need to defend myself on my times. I feel a bit embarassed considering I was the last person to finish in every event!...I was competing against a bunch of high school kids that have been active in sports all throughout this past year. I have not. I haven't actually swam laps in a pool since 6th grade. I walked parts of my run because I don't have great running shoes and my ankles were burning! I don't have the best upper body strength and therefore couldn't even succeed at doing one damn pull up. (neither could any of the other girls) AND, as for the push ups and sit ups, I had done this 2 days prior to the event and my body was already sore. :) haha

Ok so since I've joined, I've had to call in ever Monday to check in with my recruiter. And every Thursday I've had DEP (Delayed Entry Program) meetings. These meetings are different every week. One week we are at the park doing fitness training, and the other week we are in the office practicing are Salior's Creed and stances. The weeks that I've gone for the fitness training, I've been there with ONE other girl. With 15 other guys. The one week I went to the meeting in the office, I was the ONLY girl. Let me just tell you that being the only girl with 15 other guys in the room, having to do push ups, and yell out the Sailor's creed, it gets pretty intimidating!!!!

Overall, I've been doing good. I have the next 8 days off from work to go home and visit my family in Joseph City. I'm really excited to just veg! And work out of course. I really can't complain about how this is all unravaling. I'm stoked to be able to go into the Navy and accomplish things that will prepare me in my future. Every day I go to sleep I always catch myself saying, "Oh my gosh! I'm really doing this. I'm really going intot he Navy!" AHH! I'm so excited!

OH and just another thing that just proves that I've going into the Navy....I cut my hair last Friday. 9 inches off!!!! Holy Sh*t! There's no turning back now!